Oct 7, 2019 9:49 AM My day with Marc had to be rescheduled, which left with us with only a 1/2 day together. Regardless, I was still happy to spend some time with the Green candidate for the North Okanagan/Shuswap riding. Our day started out with a meeting at Lakeside Manor in Salmon Arm. Mark would be speaking to the residence at 10 a.m. so I was there just before to familiarize myself with the space. Mark strolled through the doors just moments after me and together we looked for some direction on where to go. The receptionist desk was displaying a note saying that no one would be available until 10am. But even at 10 after, there was still no one to be found. Mark went on a search for a room full of eager seniors who were wanting to learn about the green party but found none. He checked his correspondence and was relieved that he didn't get the date or time wrong. But it seems that the message must have got missed as none of the residents seemed been notified. Oh well, not much that can be done. Marc let one other staff member know that he would find another time (how, I wasn't sure - the candidates schedules are so full) and we decided to go for a coffee and chat.

10:26 AM
We head over to The Blue Canoe, the same location Marc had secured for one of his open houses the following week. It's just coffee for me, and a chocolate croissant and coffee for Marc. As we wait in line, he introduces himself to another patron and she asks about getting a lawn sign. Of course he has one with him - well, it's in his electric car which is parked a block away. He is out the door and is back before I even had time to pour my coffee - good thing I didn't need to follow him - the difference in our leg length has got to be a couple of feet, I'm sure. As he returns I discuss my project with a group of women and confirm that they are okay with being photographed. Coming from portrait background, image releases are always important and when it comes to politics you really want to be sure that people are on board being seen with a particular candidate. You'd assume that because the woman wanted a lawn sign it's OK, but you just never know and playing it safe is always the best bet.
Over the next forty minutes we have a chance to discuss how Marc got pulled into the race. He was recruited by the Green party to run, because they were impressed with his knowledge and dedication and views on electoral reform. His professional career has had him hold major roles in huge corporations. He understands how big business works. When we talk about the struggles, he makes referrence to (same as several others), exposing yourself.. You lose any sense of privacy when you are running for office and you also put yourself in the spotlight for ongoing scrutiny. People are attacked at every turn for having an opinion, and sometimes are misrepresented. I asked if he thinks this mentality is related to the Trump administration. As one of the world's most important leaders, the way Trump engages with people is downright disgusting at times. Respect levels when people are online have nearly vanished. Marc agrees that is has being notably worse in the last four years but he thinks that he started seeing it as early back as when an email started. When people moved from in-person conversations to digital conversations a certain level of civility is lost. It's much easier to say something rude or have something misinterpreted we were reading it - the body language and tone is gone. I think that is one of the reasons why this project has been so important to me. I'm so tired of seeing the disrespect thrown at all candidates. It's personal attacks rather than policy attacks. Not having the same priorities as another person doesn't mean that they are terrible - it means that they are different. This all leads into a talk of the forums and how important it can be to call out misinformation and stand up for justice, but still doing it in a respectful way. Marc has so much respect for the other candidates in this riding. And if you have ever seen Marc and Harwinder in the same space, there is a mutual respect there that is undeniable.
We touch on racism and some of the struggles that women candidates are facing in this election. Of course the topic of election signs comes up and Marc is committed to reusing everything he can. His signs cost a little bit more than other candidates he knows but he also feels like the longevity is worth it. His signs can be reused by himself (or even have a new name put on them if need be) but he notes that even if not successful this election he would run again. The green party doesn't have the same type of funding available for candidates that some of the larger parties do. It is a financial commitment to run and donations are necessary to make a campaign work. It's clear that the sacrifices these candidates make isn't just with their time and their privacy, but it's actual real money as well. Whether that's through lost wages or personal contributions the financial aspect shouldn't be ignored.

11:18 AM We finish our coffee and head to our vehicles. We will pick up later this afternoon in Armstrong, as right now Marc is headed to a private meeting. In this campaign there are times when your focus needs to be in one direction and needs complete focus. I respect the decision, and I run some errands while Marc is dealing with some negative press. 1:00 PM We once again meet at the Askews parking lot in Armstrong. I will leave my Jeep here and hope in with Marc in the electric car. Emmisions, you know.
1:13 PM
We are on the road to Vernon to meet with a group of seniors. Hopefully this event will go smoother than the first. Marc pulls over at the Village Green mall to set his GPS device as we need to find the address for the seniors residence. No texting and driving here.
Just a few blocks away we find the right location. Marc is greeted by the staff and he begins making introductions to those in the room. He hands out lots of flyers and talks with women who have being green supporters for years. After completing his brief presentation the room is open to questions. It takes a few minutes for people to get warmed up but once they do the dialogue is plentiful. If you were to look across the room and see a bunch of old white men you may assume that the political landscape is heavily conservative. But that doesn't seem to be the case. Again we are met with people who are fed up with the system and they want real change. Sure they know it's still years away but maybe their grand kids will see it. 85 years old and looking to the future. Wow.
A fascinating question comes up about a coalition between the NDP in the Green party. While it could make sense because there are many complementary and similar platform issues, Marc doesn't see that happening. There are certain issues that they do not agree on and Marc doesn't believe that trading in your values and priorities for power it's something that he would be interested in. 2:55 PM As this event comes to a close, we head back to Marc's car and return to Armstrong. We had discussed going to visit his farm but it was decided that he would like to keep his personal residence private. I completely understand that and respect his choice. It does make our day shorter but that's alright - I'm just fortunate for the time we did get.
3:17 PM
Once in Armstrong we realize there is still enough time for coffee. The Armstrong Askews has a bakery inside, and I'm assured it's phenominal. Marc orders a has plum cake but again just plain coffee for me. The conversation always comes easy with Marc - his down-to-earth personality sort of reminds me of my Dad. Both have lived such interesting lives and are friendly and funny. Again we get onto the topic of communication, and he shows me how his phone is able to adapt from language to language. He can swipe in English and have German or Dutch on the screen. It's pretty remarkable.
As we talked about how Marc's life would change if he was elected he knows that he would easily adapt to the new role. He has been married to his wife for nearly 40 years they have spent many days while he was away for work around the world. They do not have any kids although he notes he has many nieces and nephews and has changed his fair share of diapers. He loves kids and while a family was not a reality for him, he enjoys spending time with them.
3:45 PM
Our day has come to an end and I thank Marc for his willingness to be involved, and he thanks me for my dedication and commitment to democracy. He will be at the all candidates Forum in Vernon the following evening and I'm going to try to make it out. That would allow me to have an evening where I can focus on him in action as I have for the other candidates.
It's been another great day on the books. Short and sweet and inspirational.
Tuesday Oct 8th, 2019
Tuesday evening I do not attend all candidates forum due to a back injury. Getting older sucks.
Thursday Oct 10th, 2019 5:30 PM Thursday evening the all candidates for him happens to be in Salmon Arm, so I attend with my focus on Marc. When I show up here gives me a wave and smile and lets me know that he has something for me. He has brought a box of organic apples off his tree for my kids. It's not trying to buy votes or get a better review, it's just simple human courtesy, probably combined with an abundance of apples that he needed to get rid of I'm sure. But it is appreciated. 6:00 PM Unfortunately the forum format is extremely difficult for people to get real answers from the candidates. The evening is a bit of a train wreck with poor design and sexist comments in abundance. While Marc is able to answer the few questions he gets, the opportunity for him to discuss the real issues is far less than in previous forums where I have seen him in action.
8:25 PM At the end of the night we say our goodbyes and I'm feeling sad that my time with these candidates is over. Even as I write this I have to wipe the tears from my eyes. All of these people care about US. These candidates want us to live better lives. These individuals are sacrificing so much so that we all can thrive.
Elections are so impersonal and they are so full of attacks and negativity. But these four candidates have changed how I look at politics. What started out as some attempt to help me choose who to vote for has ended with me being a different person. I hope for the few of you that have followed along, that this has helped you to see the human side of the candidates. Maybe it's given you hope in knowing that there is someone out there who you can relate to and who can represent you. That was the goal, and for me it's been a success. How about you?