It was only an hour after I initially emailed all of the candidates proposing this project when my phone rang. It was Carol, the campaign manager for Kyle Delfing of the People's Party of Canada. She was excited to jump on board and wanted to discuss coverage in more detail. Unfortunately I was busy getting my kids out the door and heading to a course so I knew I would have to answer her later that afternoon. Within an hour, I had another phone call. They had a date picked and they wanted to make sure I would be available. The PPC is a very young party and they were excited at the opportunity to show the riding exactly what they were about. Oct 3rd, 2019 7:24 AM Mornings in my house are always busy. One kid goes to kindergarten and the other to preschool. So in the midst of trying to coax children to put on their socks and eat their breakfast I missed a phone call from Carol. It was pouring rain outside and they were wanting to delay the start of our day together. The plan was to meet at 9 am at the Tim Hortons in Sicamous, but due to the weather we were pushing it back to 12pm. I texted back but the message didn't go through. Carol was completely on top of it though and had phoned again and emailed to ensure I got the message and would not be waiting for them. All good I thought. My laundry pile needed attention anyways. 11:28 AM The rain had let up a touch, and I headed to Sicamous. I knew there was a bit of construction on the road and I didn't want to be late. Plus a few extra minutes for coffee is always welcomed. Just after hitting the road, though, I received a phone call that Kyle was running late. They expected be be there about a quarter past noon.

11:44 AM
It seems as though not many people wanted to venture out of the house, as the coffee shop was nearly empty. I ordered my drink, found a table near the window, and reviewed my notes and questions. I received many comments before today questioning why I would cover the People's Party, but it seemed like a no-brainer. Why would I give a platform to other parties but not this one? Why would people think that's even acceptable? I'm not entirely sure - but it was a thought held and vocalized by many.
12:14 PM Kyle and Carol have arrived. We say a quick hello and Kyle grabs a doughnut. Even with him running late, we still had time to get acquainted a bit before we head out on the first stop. Of all the candidates who agreed to coverage, I know the least about Kyle.
When I ask him what the biggest sacrifice he has made to run, the reply is quick. "The money." As a small business owner, when you are spending time and money campaigning you're not working your business and that has an effect. As a owner of two business, I can completely understand that. "The opportunity isn't a sacrifice. More of a sacrifice would be the integrity of our future if I hadn't run." Kyle is young, far younger than me. But he is also passionate about making a change in our world and exposing truths that the public are ignorant to.
He asks me why I would want to take on this project, and what I've thought of it so far. Fascinating is the best way to describe the experience. Some things are predictable, and some not at all. Some points have made my heart happy and others provided great disappointment. When the topic of who has participated comes up, the focus goes back to Kyle.
Kyle had reached out to our current MP with an issue in August 2018, but was never heard. While Kyle was bringing forth information about corruption, censorship and conspiracy, Mel Arnold wouldn't respond. And it was at that moment that Kyle knew he wanted to run - because he feels that an MP needs to listen to the people. So with the non existent contact and not believing in deficit spending, Kyle was ready to join Maxine Bernier. "Max is a good guy. I like him."
12:40 PM
It's time to head to the first schedule appointment of the day. The Law 12 class at Eagle River Secondary has invited the candidates to come and speak, and Kyle is excited at the opportunity to talk about his party, his platform, and his vision for Canada.
Let me tell you, school has changed a lot since I was there. Coffee makers in the room, kids lounging around. The layout was much less formal that I was expecting, but the questions the class asked were thoughtful and important.
It's clear from the start that Kyle has an easy rapport with people. I'm not sure if it's his age or his personality, but the class seems to connect with him, his ideas, or some combination of the two. 1:46 PM After an hour of engaging discussion, it's time to head out - but first he needs to make a phone call. No matter the candidate, they are all being pulled in competing directions at every turn. We hit the road in Kyle's truck, and he once again apologizes about the cleanliness. This truck is a work truck, no doubt. I assure him it's much cleaner than my husbands and we discuss a bit more about the struggles of running a business. Kyle's wife is a part of his team, but she doesn't want to be in the spotlight. She is currently running the business while he is out on the campaign trail.

Our next stop is to do some door knocking. The approach here is much different than I have seen. When I ask about strategy, and search for some type of map or checklist, he says it's simple. Hit up the places with the highest door per minute rate. There is no voter list to consult or map needed. We simply drive down the street and find the first condo.
2:32 PM Unfortunately the first location is a bust. Sicamous has a lot of part time residents, and with the colder weather hitting and winter around the corner, they have all headed east, to even colder weather. Weird, I know. So off we go to find another area. Just a few blocks away is a small townhouse complex that looks great - if anyone is home. Kyle heads out to knock on doors and Carol and I stay back and talk about her role in the campaign, and how she came to support the PPC. It's been an emotional journey for her, and I feel its best to ask her questions directly if you want to know more. The complex has a few more people at home, and every person that answers the door gives a really positive reaction. After completion of the loop, we continue down the street. Again there are lots of homes and lots of people away, but we have time to spare and Kyle doesn't think he will be making it out to this area again before the election. Door after door shows a positive response. It's clear that people are feeling fed up with the current system and want common-sense change. And that's what Kyle is delivering. In the broken down simplified version, it sounds like a promising plan. We don't stop canvassing until we run out of flyers and once that happens it's time to grab a bite to eat.
4:23 PM This is the first time I had been with a candidate where there was a chance to actually take a break before a forum. Kyle doesn't need time to prep. He knows the platform inside out. Of course, the platform is simpler than others that have been a work in progress for year, but his ability to retain the information is remarkable. As we drive over to the restaurant we talked about his childhood, education and background a bit more. There is no doubt this kid is smart. He grew up spending countless hours in the library and has an amazing memory for facts and figures.
We order some dinner and a drink. Tequila and rum for Kyle, wine for Carol, and a beer for me. It's been a long day and I'm not driving any time soon. We have lots of laughs and talk about his love of cooking. When he was young he helped cook for a group that would serve 2000 dinners each night. We touched on all sorts of other issues too - his personal connection to the opioid crisis, transfer payments and gun laws.
As dinner went on, the conversation was more and more intense. Names were being dropped faster than I could even write them down. There is a lot Kyle is concerned about, and a lot of it is very deep state stuff. Carol informed me I need to stop using google if I want to search for real answers and learn about real coverups. There are people out there trying to tarnish the name of the PPC and what they stand for. "Just look at the hashtags that twitter auto selects when you type in PPC" Kyle says while showing me his phone. We are controlled without knowing it, they assure me.

As we finish up dinner my head is spinning. There is an overload of information and I'm having some revelations about my infantile knowledge of politics. But that's OK. Politics isn't my jam - people are. And today has been an eye opener about getting to know people, their motives and their beliefs. 5:52 PM The all candidates forum is hosted by the Sicamous Chamber of Commerce, and it's already busy when we arrive. Tables are set up, hands are shook and before long it's time to get started. Like in the previous forums, Kyle keeps his answers short and directly to the question being asked. He uses his quick wit and sharp tongue to gain some laughs from supporters but those comments don't appeal, or pass as acceptable, to all.
The supporters for the PPC party who attend the forum are a from a variety of backgrounds, but one thing is clear, they have had it with our current government. They are ready to take their issues to the masses. From erecting signs to attending protests, there is an undercurrent here that cannot be ignored.
8:38 PM As the forum wraps up and it's time for home, I'm grateful for the opportunity to get to know Kyle better. We have more things in common than differences I believe, and he is ready to stand up for change, and for the people of this riding. He understands what it feels like to not be heard, and his passion and knowledge would help the constituents, even if the their beliefs and priorities are different.